KB3035583, or GWX*.EXE, or, why I begin to hate Microsoft

The mentioned Windows Update (for Win7) has failed to update multiple times. Sometimes the ‘update’ says, ‘downloading’ when there is no traffic on the network.

We have two very similar Acer desktop computers; they are over four years old, but were considered pretty decent when new. 6 cores, for example.

First Complaint:

My desktop has a very annoying pattern of being busy: immediately after a cold start, and immediately after re-awakening from sleep. Task Manager shows me that one of the following (sometimes more than one) is running:

  • CompatTelRunner
  • TrustedUpdate
  • MakeCab

The first of these is Microsoft ‘spyware’ which tells them all I have on my machine so they can be sure to have compatibility in Windows 10.

The second of these is essentially the same. Both drive the hard disk relentlessly, and sometimes use a lot of CPU.

The third is supposedly code that makes .cab files. Why this would be running is beyond me.

So, net net of this first complaint is this:

Every time I start or un-sleep my computer, it is unresponsive because Microsoft installed code that keeps it very busy. For several minutes.

The second complaint is, perhaps, weirder.

On my desktop, I signed up for Windows 10 but did not actually download and install it. Once I did this, for ages, I would get a pop-up that prompted me to go on with the install. Every Windows Update I did,  had update to Windows 10 checked as a default.

This stopped when the KB3035583 update started failing. This update always fails, with a download step that has no LAN traffic. It takes some time, but does not download anything.

The above update creates files named GWX*.EXE, GWX.EXE being one of them. There are five such file names; I have a total of 27 such files:

  • 8 GWX.EXE
  • 4 GWXConfigManager.EXE
  • 4 GWXDetector.EXE
  • 4 GWXUXWorker.EXE

Since the above-mentioned update started failing, I no longer get on-screen prompts to do windows ten upgrade. The update itself defaults to not-checked when I go from Control Panel to Windows Update.

The third complaint is even crazier.

On the other desktop, the ‘line up for Windows 10’ was never clicked on. So this computer gets prompted to upgrade from time to time.
What’s annoying is, the prompt comes up in the correct shape and in the usual place, but is entirely blank white.
Moving the mouse to the top right corner (carefully) and clicking the pointer-finger, closes this white ghost.

Now for the dumb questions.

Why do I have so many files named GWX*.EXE?

Why does a specific Windows Update always fail? and why does it now defalt to ‘not’?

Why is the pop-up an empty ghost on the other desktop?

Is it fair for me to be annoyed with Microsoft?

Is it fair for me to assume that Microsoft is making staying on Win7 as tedious as possible?

Does anyone at Microsoft, to quote e.e.cummings, give a soft white damn?

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